Almost without noticing, once the most beautiful landscapes in China are fading away silently. 不经意间,中国的绝色美景正在悄然逝去。
Eg. although enjoyed by many, they are in danger of fading away. 尽管有很多人喜欢,但它们仍面临消逝的危险。
Us looking about the stars fading away as the sun came up! 我们一起看着星星落下太阳升起!
Those customs are fading away. 那些风俗习惯正在逐渐废弃。
I can feel myself fading away. 我感到生命正在离我远去。
The last of evening light was fading away. 傍晚最后一抹亮光消失了。
Certainly, credibility involves a balancing act between establishing a noteworthy track record and fading away into the furniture. 当然,可信度涉及到在建立一个引人注意跟踪历史记录和扮演“幕后英雄”的平衡。
He's fading away in there. 他在那里面越来越不行了。
Hopes of saving the trapped miners are fading away fast. 救出被困矿工的希望越来越渺茫。
And if what was fading away came with glory, how much greater is theglory of that which lasts! 若那废掉的有荣光,这长存的就更有荣光了。
I'm told the independent model is fading away. 人们告诉我,独立模式正逐渐淡出。
They're fading away by dozens every night. 他们每晚都有好几十个跑掉。
Far from fading away, or retreating into private life, religion is once again at the heart of politics. 宗教没有消失,也没有退至私人生活,而是再次成为政治的核心。
There were streets, shops, and the glory of the dawn was fast fading away. 有街道,商店,黎明的辉煌迅速消失。
Oh ya, without you, life's fading away like flowers. 欧呀,没有你,生命如花儿般在谢去。
He was sure he was fading away from lack of food. 他肯定会从缺乏食物的情况中脱离。
Admittedly laziness or lack of imagination frequently play a role, as in songs that March stolidly through verse and chorus before fading away through failure to imagine an ending. 诚然,偷懒或缺乏想象力的结尾经常出现,比如有的歌曲以韵律与合唱刻板地持续着,然后在你意想不到的地方“淡”出了结尾。
But how much did that vision presume the blurring or even fading away completely of national boundaries and identities? 但那种远见在多大程度上想当然地以为,国家界线与民族身份会逐渐模糊甚至消失?
Try and make the after image grow, instead of fading away. 努力使残留图像增强,而不是消失。
The custom is slowly fading away. 这种习俗正在慢慢得消失。
The Cat's head began fading away the moment he was gone, and, by the time he had come back with the Duchess, it had entirely disappeared; 就在刽子手走去的一刹那,猫头开始消失,刽子手带着公爵夫人来到时,猫头完全没有了。
The words "Someday*" and "One Day*" are fading away from my dictionary. 像“某天”或“有一天”这样的字眼,都将从我的词典里渐渐消失。
This is the case in Hong Kong and other emerging markets where tycoons are fading away. 香港和其他新兴市场面临的就是这种情况。在这些市场上,大亨们的身影正在慢慢消失。
Traditional thinking and methods concerning painting seem to be fading away. 传统的绘画思想和方法似乎在与我们渐行渐远。
In front of nature, we find peace and tranquility is fading away, just like a sorrowful prophecy which is proved by fact day after day. 面对自然,我们发现安宁与静美正在退远,就像一个悲哀的预言,正在一天天被事实应验。
The old man is fading away. 这位老人渐渐衰老了。
But now, for some time, it seems that you are fading away in my life. 可现在,有一段时间了,看起来你已淡去在我的生活。
Through the total fading away and extinction of craving, decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, grief, and despair are extinguished. 彻底消除和根绝欲望后,生老病死,悲伤,哀痛,苦难,不幸和绝望就一扫而光。
We are condemned to an anaesthetized disappearance, to a fading away under anaesthesia. 我们被诊断为麻痹性消亡,将在麻痹中下不断衰落。